Monday, April 12, 2010

Dirty Projectors - Rise Above

The moment Dave shrieks out the opening yelp of the first syllable of the first word of "Rise Above" is pure, ummm, well, I don't know really. I know I grimaced, and thought, well, I don't know what I thought. It doesn't sound good, but it definitely isn't bad. So what is it?

Nobody knows. The Dirty Projectors are defined by dissonance, or do they define dissonance? I think that's the band's secret - you spend so much time thinking about what their music is that just listening to their album can never be a passive experience.

Is it R&B? Rock? Pop? Art Rock? What is art rock?

What it isn't is easy. The Dirty Projectors make you work. It is a labor of indie-rock love, and there's no guarantee that you'll eventually like their, their, their... sound?

Enough questions. Listen to "Rise Above", and then jump into their latest album "Bitte Orca". I promise you that you won't/will be disappointed.

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